年份 1981 1986 1991 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
Ratio 82.10 87 89.20 86.80 90.30 91 90.50 90.80
年份 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
Ratio 90.90 90.90 91.30 91.70 91.80 92.40 92.50 93.30
年份 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Ratio 94.50 93.90 102.90 103.60 104.60 105.20 105.70 104.60
年份 2017 2018
Ratio 104.30 102


The combined primary and secondary gross enrolment ratio. Gross enrolment ratio (primary) refers to ratio of number of children (irrespective of age) enrolled in primary classes compared to total number of children in the typical primary school age group of 6 to 11. This definition applies to gross enrolment ratio (secondary) and gross enrolment ratio (combined primary and secondary) of which the corresponding age groups are 12-18 and 6-18 respectively.


Figures are collected from the Education Bureau.

(1) Figures include government, aided, caput, direct subsidy scheme, local private and international schools, as well as evening schools, special schools and special classes.
(2) Figures from 2006 onwards include secondary day courses operated by private schools offering tutorial, vocational and adult education courses. Figures from 2008 onwards also include correctional / residential home under the Social Welfare Department and correctional institutions under the Correctional Services Department.
(3) The New Senior Secondary academic structure has been implemented fully from 2011/12 school year onwards. The GER at secondary level from this year is compiled based on school-age population 12-17 (i.e. excluding S7) vis-a-vis those ratios based on school-age population 12-18 (i.e. including S7) in preceding years.
(4) Hong Kong has been providing nine years of free and universal basic education (six years of primary education and three years of junior secondary education) through public sector primary and secondary schools (including government schools, aided schools and caput schools) since 1978. The minimum age for entering public sector primary education in Hong Kong is five years and eight months as at 1 September of the year, which corresponds to six years old as at 31 December of the year. Starting from the 2015/16 school year, the reference time point for counting of school-age population is shifted to 31 December of the year for compilation of Gross Enrolment Ratio to better reflect Hong Kong students' schooling situation.
(5) Figures for 2015 to 2016 are revised in view of the situation depicted in footnote (4).
(6) Figures for 2018 are provisional.
(5) Figures for 2016 are provisional.
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